Melanie Behlmann


January 19, 2015

Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

Technology is a very important part of a comprehensive classroom technology plan, because when technology is integrated into the classroom, teachers and parents are able to communicate with one another through things like blogs, email, and Facebook t any time, and anywhere. Parents and teachers are the most influential people for students and if communication between them is easy, that is the key to student success. Student learning is supported much better when parents can communicate with one another. Technology allows parents and teachers to work together as a unit, in order to ensure the success of their students.

Technology to Enhance Communication
The first communication tool that could be used in the classroom in order to easily communicate with parents, students, and the global community will be a classroom blog. Classroom blogs can be used to communicate with parents, by posting information that parents really want to know, which would be homework assignments, educational links that their children can use at home, as well as a calendar of events. The classroom blog should be organized, and easy for parents to navigate through. The classroom blog should be updated on a regular basis to ensure that the parents are getting all needed information and are not missing anything. The classroom blog should include teachers contact information, to ensure that all parents have other ways to contact the teacher at any time.

            A classroom blog can be used to communicate with students, by making sure that a calendar of events and happenings in the classroom are posted, these happenings should be updated on the blogs calendar each and every month to make sure that he students are up to date. The class blog should always have a homework list; this should be posted every Monday so that the students are clear on what is expected of them by their teacher. The students should also be provided with interactive games that they can be accessed on the classroom blog so that they can utilize these sites when they are at school or at home.

            The classroom blog can be used in communication with the global community, by keeping them up to date on all classroom happenings, all information should be updated on the classroom blog often, to ensure that the global community is aware of what is going on in the classroom on a weekly or daily basis.

Another communication tool that can be used in order to communicate effectively to parents, students, and the global community is email. Email can be used to effectively communicate with parents, by making sure that the teacher provides them with an accurate school email address, and the teacher should let them know that he/she will check emails very often. The teacher should ask the parents to please make sure to check their email often as well; because he or she will email will be used to share class news and happenings with them. The teacher should also let the parents know that he/she is always open to comments and to feel free to reach out at any time. The teacher should emphasize to the parents that communication is the key to student success.

            Email can be used as a tool to communicate with students, by first assigning them with their own personal email addresses, from this address, students will be able o view emails that their teacher will send to them, with important updates, like homework, calendar of events etc. Email is a great way for students and teachers to communicate with one another, and at the same time, it educates them on technology.

            Email can be used to communicate with the global community, by keeping updated information, any questions that he teacher may have, or concerns out there through email in order to receive resourceful information and or ideas.


            Another tool that can be used in order to effectively communicate with parents, students and the global community is Face book.

            Facebook can be used to effectively communicate with parents, by posting class happenings on the classroom or the schools Facebook page. The teacher should make sure to post updates often in order to ensure that nothing is missed.

            Facebook can be used in order to effectively communicate with students, by first letting they know all about the page, so that they can easily view all of the happenings either at school or at home, in order to keep them posted on all the events that are and have taken place.

            Facebook is an effective tool to use in communicating with the global community by making sure to keep all classrooms and school happenings updated and posted in order to ensure everyone knows what is going on in the classroom.

            Lastly a wonderful tool that can be used in communicating effectively with parents, students and the global community is Remind 101. Remind 101 can be used to communicate with parents, students, and the global community by being able to send out emails, text messages, and reminders to all parents, students, and the global community in order to make sure that they are not missing anything.


Communication Internet Security and Safety

            Teachers should address internet security and safety in communications with students, parents, and staff, by doing what is best for all students, parents, and staff, continuing to learn and grow with students, parents, and staff, and always reminding all to use respect and care towards one another. Teachers should make sure to explain that when taking the right percussions, many negative consequences can be avoided.

Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences) 
     there are so many wonderful tools in technology that can be used to effectively communicate with parents, students, and the global community. As teachers, making sure that there is clear and effective communication is a goal that must be reached for all. Technology has so much to offer, and enables parents and teachers to become one unit through effective communication, and this in turn makes for great student success rates!





Moreno, M. A., Egan, K. G., Bare, K., Young, H. N., & Cox, E. D. (2013). Internet safety education for youth: stakeholder perspectives. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1-6. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-543 Retrieved on January 19, 2015 from

Ponte, C., Simões, J. A., & Jorge, A. (2013). Do questions matter on children's answers about internet risk and safety?. Cyberpsychology, 7(1), 60-70. doi:10.5817/CP2013-1-2 retrieved on January 19, 2015 from

İZMİRLİ, Ö. Ş., & YURDAKUL, I. K. (2014). Investigation of Prospective Teachers' Information and Communication Technology Integration Practices in Terms of Transformative Learning Theory. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 14(6), 2293-2303. doi:10.12738/estp.2014.6.2076 retrieved on January 19, 2015 from

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