Monday, February 23, 2015

Assesment Technology








Melanie Behlmann

EDU 225

February 19, 2015

Prof. Larson












Part 1: Assessment Technology

My assessment has been done using the online assessment tool Socrative. My classroom number is bbed167b; this is where my assessment can be accessed.

The assessment that I have created will gage my students on their level of comprehension. This assessment is a formative assessment, because it is being used to monitor student learning, so that the information can be used for feedback in order to improve student learning as well as teaching. This assessment is used to identify student’s areas of strength and weakness.

Students will begin by reading “Frog on a Log” by Roy Kindelberber


1.       Who lived in the tree? The bird.

2.       Who lives in the hole?  A mouse.

3.       Tell four things that Bob does when he gets home?  Swims, sleeps, eats a bug, hops on a log.

4.       Who were the main characters of the story? Bob (frog), Bird, Mouse.

5.       How was Bob’s problem solved? He fell into the pond.

Part 2: Blog Post

                Assessments are extremely important in the classroom and are a vital part of a teacher’s position. In today’s world technology is ever-growing, and incorporating it into the classroom has many benefits and wonderful out comes for both teachers and students. By utilizing technology in assessments it allows teachers to keep clear records of their student’s strengths, and weaknesses. There are many ways in which teachers can utilize technology to facilitate ongoing efforts to assess student learning in the classroom, there is wonderful software that can be used in order to facilitate these assessments, such as Clickers, educational games, and PowerPoint presentations. There are also Pros as well as cons to using technology to assess students. All of these technologies can be used to benefit both the teachers as well as the students.

Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning

Utilizing technology is an extremely effective way in which to facilitate the ongoing efforts to assess student learning in the classroom. According to West (2011, p.8) “Digital technologies create opportunities to measure student performance in a much more nuanced and multi-faceted manner than previously was the case. No longer are teachers limited to  standardized limited examinations or periodic classroom tests, instead they have the chance to provide feedback at virtually every step of the learning process toward educational objectives for individual pupils.” When utilizing technologies to assess students verse standard tests, teachers are able to gain much more vital information. Assessments dine with technologies allow teachers to directly point out  individual students strengths as well as the things that they need help with, these types of assessments enable teachers to continuously follow their students’ progress in which can be used to see how far the students have come in a set amount of time. Using technology in assessments is most defiantly beneficial for teachers, but also very beneficial for students as well, as it spikes their attention and gets them engaged in their lessons.


Technology-Band Active Responding Systems (Clickers) : According to Salend (2009, p.50) “These wireless, infrared, or radio frequency systems allow teachers to monitor their students learning by having students periodically respond electronically to factual, computational. Conceptual, and comprehension questions; probes and quizzes; interactive activities and poll, opinion, and review questions.” If a teacher wants to assess a large group of students at one time, clickers are an excellent tool to utilize. The software retrieves results from all students and the teacher is able to immediately view the answers. Clickers are a wonderful tool to use in order to reach all students even the students who may be reluctant to participate during class discussions. Clickers allow teachers to become more aware of the needs of individual students, what their strengths are, and the areas in which they need some extra help. A great way in which clickers can be used by a teacher in the classroom is to have a short passage and allow students time to read it silently to themselves, the passage will have to do with what is being taught in class at that time. The teachers could then have created a question quiz consisting of about ten to fifteen questions over the information from the passage, in order to assess student comprehension.

 Technology-Based Educational Games:  Educational games are wonderful tools for teachers to use in order to assess student learning, and to pin point students individual strengths and weaknesses. According to Educational (2011) “Educational games are in many cases suitable for assessment. There are a number of benefits of educational gaming as an assessment activity, from both the student perspective and the teacher perspective. Educational games tend to be more engaging than traditional assessment tasks and the use of educational games allows for assessment to be implemented as an ongoing activity for monitoring learning and tracking development in given learning areas.” Teachers could use educational games in the classroom, by having the students engage in these games on the computers, iPads, tablets, etc. During certain lessons. Using educational games is exciting for students, they are able to have fun and learn at the same time, playing these games allows the teachers to target the areas in which their students are string and in which they are weak.

PowerPoint Presentations: PowerPoint presentations are also a wonderful tool to utilize in order to assess student learning. According to Salend (2009, p.52) “Students can use presentation software to present the outcomes of their learning to others. In addition to presenting he key points and vocabulary related to the topic, these presentations can also include color, animation, audio, and visuals. PowerPoint presentations are great tools for student engagement; it allows the students to take control over their learning. Using PowerPoint is a very effective tool to use for group assessments. PowerPoints can be used in the classroom in various ways, in just about any subject. A wonderful example of using PowerPoint is in math, and learning how to tell time. By creating a specific PowerPoint, with interactive tools, allows students to become actively involved and engaged in their learning and allows the teacher to gage their learning at the same time.


(Formative and Summative Assessments)

            Technology aids in assessments in multiple ways. According to Salend (2009, p.49) “In terms of formative assessment, they are particularly helpful and informative in monitoring the learning process of the students, and making decisions about how  to improve instructional programs. With respect to summative assessments, they can be graded and aligned to IEP goals and curriculum learning standards as a culminating authentic activity to assess student mastery of specific content, topics, concepts, and skills taught, and to communicate information about student performance to others.” Both of these assessments can be facilitated through technology, such as Clickers, educational games, and PowerPoint presentations. Each of these technology tools is wonderful ways in which to assess student learning in the classroom, and they also allow for great student engagement. The best technology too to use for a summative assessment would have to be clickers, as it is a quick and effective way to assess an entire class at one time. Students are able o know their results immediately when utilizing clickers. PowerPoints are great for providing students with guidelines, such as a rubric to follow as it allows them to clearly see what is expected of them and what they need to incorporate into their presentation, this is engaging for the students, because they are able to take control over their own work and then later present it to their teacher on what they comprehend, this allows the teacher r=to clearly see the students individual strengths and weaknesses.  Online educational games are a wonderful tool to use for formative assessments as they easily allow teachers to become aware of the students individual strengths and weaknesses. Educational games can be utilized in the classroom at least once or twice per week in order to gage students understanding.

(Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment)

 In the classroom, utilizing technology to facilitate instruction is being done on a daily basis, all over the world. As technology is a wonderful tool there are both pros and cons that go along with it. According to Pros (2012) “Some of the pros to using technology to facilitate assessments are it improves authenticity and alignment with learning outcomes, speeds the assessment load for staff, and students, improves student engagement and promotes deeper learning, additional flexibility for learning, allows student to access assessments at a time that best suits their individual learning approaches and needs, and it provides readily available statistics on student performance.”  Without a doubt, using technology to facilitate assessments has many beneficial aspects. It allows reaches to effectively gage individual students learning, learning styles, etc., which is entirely beneficial to the students and their ultimate success. Of course as with many there things, there is also negative points to using technology for assessments. Sometimes technology does fail, and on the scheduled day of the assessment there     is always the chance that technology may not be up and running and this can cause many unwanted drawbacks. According to Pros (2012) “Despite the numerous benefits to be derived from implementing technology facilitated assessments, there are some costs that go along with it. Some of the biggest issues of implementing technology facilitated assessments are the associated costs of software, accessibility issues, students feeling a sense of isolation, and resistance to change by students and staff.”

(“Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?”)

Teachers should utilize many ways in which to assess learning. There are multiple other ways including technology based assessments that can be used and that are effective. Multiple forms of assessments should be utilized in order for teachers to get the best results from the students. If the teachers do not mix it up, and use different methods the students will lose interest and become less engaged.

What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?

            Utilizing assessment technology in the classroom is extremely important and effective for student engagement. According to ISTE (2008) “Standard 2 Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments: Teachers design, developed, and evaluate authentic learner experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and development the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in  the standards.” Two standards in which are used for technology based assessments are “Standard 2: B) Develop technology-enriched learning environments that allow every student to strive and be active in their own learning. D): Give students many different formative and summative assessments that go along with content and technology standards.” ISTE (2008). There are certainly both pros and cons to using technology based assessments, but the pros outweigh the cons, when it comes to student learning, engagement, and overall outcome!

Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment

            All in all, Assessments are vital in the classroom in order to endure student success. By using technology based assessment, teachers are able to gather important information on each of their students in a timely manner, and them take that information assess it and provide their students with feedback.

















Educational Games. (2011,). Retrieved on February 19, 2015 from



 How can technology be used with assessment, evaluation, and curriculum redesign? (2004)          Retrieved on February 19, 2015 from



 ISTE Standards for Teachers. (2008). Retrieved February 19, 2015, from  


Pros and cons of using technology enhanced assessment. (2012). Retrieved February 19, 2015


 Salend, S. J. (2009). Technology-Based Classroom Assessments. Teaching Exceptional     Children, 41(6), 48-58.


 West, D. (2011). Using Technology to Personalize Learning and Assess Students in Real-Time      (pp. 1-19). Washington: The Brookings Institution.

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