Sunday, February 8, 2015

Presentation Technology







Melanie Behlmann


February 5, 2015












Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction

Integrating Instructional Technology

Instructional technology is extremely important, by integrating technology into the classroom; it allows the learning process to be deepened and also greatly enhances it. By integrating technology into the classroom, it allows students to participate in groups, gives them quick and interaction and feedback routinely, connections to experts in the real world, and very importantly active engagement. Technology can be used to facilitate and enhance instruction in the classroom in many ways, some of the ways in which I would like to use technology in my classroom, is by using edublogs, educational apps, and tablets. I will make sure that all of these technologies that I will use in my classroom are routine, and made clear to all students, and also that all of these three technologies support the curricular goals.

(Insert Name of Specific Technology Here) (100 words)

The first technology that I have chosen to integrate into my classroom is edublogs. There are many ways in which edublogs can be used in the classroom to facilitate and enhance instruction. One way that edublogs can be used is to share new downloads materials, links, etc. Any an everything that is posted to the blog will automatically become accessible for students and parents both at home as well as at school. Edublogs are also very safe to use, because they require specific passwords to access. Edublogs are also great for online discussions, and collaboration. The students are easily able to reply to posts on the blog, and talk about specific topics through comments on the forum. Edublogs are also a wonderful tool for posting news letters in order to stay in touch with students, parents, and the community about what is happening in the classroom. Edublogs are great for active student engagement, a motivation, because the students are able to create their own work, and from this teachers are able to co-edit and edit if need be. Edublogs are excellent for teachers, because it allows them to share lesson plans, and in doing this, it can become a very productive event, as I allows for collaboration and ideas. Edublogs also allow students and teachers to integrate videos, podcasts and other media to enhance learning and instruction. Edublogs can also be used to gain useful information on how to further facilitate and enhance instruction. I will use edublog in my classroom in every way possible in order to enhance instruction and to get my students motivated and actively engaged in their lessons. I will try to incorporate my edublogs into all curriculums at certain points as I see fit. Edublogs (2015).

(Insert Name of Specific Technology Here) (100 words)

Another technology that could be used in the classroom in order to facilitate and enhance instructions is educational apps. An app called Class Dojo is a wonderful example of an educational app to be utilized in the classroom.     This app allows teachers to give merits as well as demerits to students based on student conduct that comes straight from a device on android. Class Dojo aids teachers in improving behavior within the classroom by creating data on behavior that can be shared with administrators as well as parents immediately. Students are engaged and motivated while using Class Dojo, as they are able to create their own monster avatars. Class Dojo is great for teachers, because they are able to spend more time on instruction and less time on behavior management in the classroom. Class Dojo is good for students, because while parents are getting immediate feedback, as are the students and this can really aid in positive behavior, and steer them away from the negative behavior. This app is great for parents, because they can easily keep tabs on how their children are doing in the classroom.

Remind101 is also an excellent educational app used to facilitate and enhance instruction in the classroom. Remind 101 is a wonderful tool to be used for communication between students, parents, teachers, and the community. Remind 101 enables teachers to quickly send SMS messages to specific students, or the entire class to remind them of anything that may be coming up. Or due, or just to give them some uplifting words of encouragement. Remind 101 are great for parents, as they can quickly receive messages about any upcoming events, or happenings that they need to be aware of. Remind 101 allows the teacher much more time for instruction, because there is less time spent writing notes home to each individual student or parent. I will use educational apps in my classroom in order to facilitate and enhance instruction and make sure that I am meeting all students and parent’s needs. I believe that educational apps can be used across the curriculum in order to facilitate and enhance instruction, as it allows more time for instruction. K-12 Teachers Alliance (2015).

(Insert Name of Specific Technology Here) (100 words)

            Another technology that can be used in the classroom to facilitate and enhance instruction is tablets. Tablets are a wonderful tool for students as well as for teachers, students can use tablets for creating presentations of which are very effective. There are several great aps for tablets that can be utilized to integrate documents, images, video clips, and PowerPoints. Students are able o do real-time writing, and drawing and these things are extremely interactive and engaging. When the students are finished they can easily email their finished assignments to the teacher for a grade.  E-books on the tablet are another great tool that can be used to enhance instruction. Many schools do not have the funds for updated text books, so they are stuck with outdated books and that means out dated information. Using tablets in the classroom allows for teachers and students to have updated information at their fingertips. In my classroom I will use tablets often; I would use them as E-books, for presentations, efficiency, and computer skills. I believe that the use of tablets could enhance curriculum in all areas, children are engaged, and motivated when they are able to work on tablets and create their own personalized work. Secure Edge Networks (2015).


Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning (200-300 words)

Using technology in the classroom is a little bit if a questionable situation, because it has created a debate on whether or not it actually aids or slows down the learning process. Integrating technology into the classroom has changed just about everything in education today, as well as the way in which classrooms are utilized by students and teachers. The integration of technology into the classroom has both pros and cons on the way that learning is impacted.

Some of the pros to integrating technology into the classroom are that it allows easier accessibility of information. For example, students are able to use the internet in order to quickly gather information and it can be done with ease, which was not possible before. Internet also allows for distance learning where students and teachers can easily interact with one another, and I can speak from on a personal level that if there were no online education, I would not be able to be where I am today, living out my dream and my passion to be an educator!

Some of the cons to integrating technology into the classroom are that it can at times become a distraction to some students. Students have so many resources that are useful at their fingertips; however they also have access to things like games, surfing the internet, text messaging, etc. That can distract them form lessons in the classroom. Cheating is another con that can be done through technology. When a question comes about that students are unsure of, they can easily type that question into any search engine and find the answers that thy need, and this cancels out any critical thinking, which is a vital skill that they need to use through life.

Technology will impact my classroom in various ways. By using multiple forms of technology in my classroom, I will keep my students focused, get them excited to learn, enable them to learn at their own pace, and prepare them for their future. The impact that technology will have on my classroom will be great! Both the students and I will develop the skills that are absolutely essential for the 21st Century. My students will think critically, collaborate with others, grow in their communication abilities, and improve on motivation and engagement for their ultimate success.

Wired and Wireless Classrooms (100-200 words)

Wired classrooms are when the use of “physical wires means that electronic signals are being transmitted over a metal conductor.” (2014). For example, the internet sends copious amounts of data through cables. Some of the pros to using wired technologies are that the price is more affordable than that of wireless, the quality of service is good, and it is reliable. Somme of the cons are the length of wires not being perfect, wires can be affected by certain weather conditions, and they can be hindered by noises coming from other machinery.

Wireless classrooms are where devices are used that does not require cables to be used, such as lap tops, tablets/iPads, cellular devices, etc. Some of the pros to using wireless tools are that they have great range, a very high life expectancy rate, and they are extremely reliable. Some of the cons in using wireless tools, are they are higher in price, the speed in which they work can be slower than that of wired tools, they can be interrupted by other wireless devices, and the signals can be intercepted quite easily.

These two methods of wired and wireless technologies will impact my classroom in many ways, I will make sure to integrate both in order to facilitate and to enhance instruction in my classroom, and I believe that in utilizing both wired and wireless technologies in the classroom, allows for active engagement and leads to student’s success.


         All in all, I believe that integrating instructional technology into the classroom is very important, as it opens up many doors for students and teachers. It allows teachers to easily and effectively facilitate and enhance instruction to their students, and can be used to support all curricular goals. The integration of technology into the classroom also opens up many doors for students in order to become successful in their learning process and beyond.  



Edublogs (2015) retrieved on February 4, 2015 from

Eutopia What Works in Education (2015) retrieved on February 4, 2015 from

K-12 Teachers Alliance (2015) retrieved on February 4,2015 from

NetLingo (2015) retrieved on February 4, 2015 from

Secure Edge Networks (2015) retrieved on February 4, 2015 from (2014) retrieved on February 4, 2015 from

















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